How Effective are Self-Explanations from Large Language Models like ChatGPT in Sentiment Analysis? A Deep Dive into Performance, Cost, and Interpretability

  Language models like GPT-3 are designed to be neutral and generate text based on the patterns they’ve learned in the data. They don’t have inherent sentiments or emotions. If the data used for training contains biases, these biases can be reflected in the model’s outputs. However, their output can be interpreted as positive, negative,…

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Meet ULTRA: A Pre-Trained Foundation Model for Knowledge Graph Reasoning that Works on Any Graph and Outperforms Supervised SOTA Models on 50+ Graphs

  ULTRA is a model designed to learn universal and transferable graph representations for knowledge graphs (KGs). ULTRA creates relational illustrations by conditioning them on interactions, enabling it to generalise to any KG with different entity and relation vocabularies. A pre-trained ULTRA model exhibits impressive zero-shot inductive inference on new graphs in link prediction experiments,…

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Pinterest revenue rises 11% in Q3 in huge win for advertisers

Pinterest’s third-quarter revenue jumped 11% to $763 million in Q3, 2023. Ad earnings surged as the platform’s global monthly active users increased by 8% year-on-year to 482 million. The company credited its success in part to “Its ability to attract and retain advertisers and effectively measure advertising campaigns.” Why we care. Advertisers interested in diversifying…

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Microsoft Relaunches pubCenter

Here is an interesting announcement from Microsoft, announcing the new launch of Microsoft pubCenter – which is actually not new, it is from 2006 and had a slow painful death. But Microsoft is bringing it back, saying, “we developed Microsoft pubCenter. It’s a simple way for creators and small to medium-sized publishers to earn money…

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