This AI Paper Introduces LCM-LoRA: Revolutionizing Text-to-Image Generative Tasks with Advanced Latent Consistency Models and LoRA Distillation

  Latent Diffusion Models are generative models used in machine learning, particularly in probabilistic modeling. These models aim to capture a dataset’s underlying structure or latent variables, often focusing on generating realistic samples or making predictions. These describe the evolution of a system over time. This can refer to transforming a set of random variables…

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The ultimate guide for SEOs

When The Verge published “The people who ruined the internet” on Nov. 1, it caused a shockwave across the search engine optimization (SEO) world. Their writer, Amanda Chicago Lewis, described us in a particularly unflattering way: “So who ends up with a career in SEO? The stereotype is that of a hustler: a content goblin…

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Instacart unveils new tools to boost discovery for emerging brands

Instacart is rolling out two new tools to help up-and-coming brands connect with retailers: Digital sell sheets: Instacart’s new sell sheets allow brands to easily and automatically showcase their best products (including platform sales data, product information, and key growth insights) to the platform’s extensive network of more than 1,400 retail banners, directly in Ads…

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Google admits to paying Apple 36% of Safari revenue

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has confirmed that the company pays Apple 36% of its Safari search revenue. The search engine shares this revenue, which is reportedly worth $18 billion, in exchange for default status on all of Apple’s devices. Pichai made the admission while being cross-examined at the Epic Games antitrust trial, after a Google witness…

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