Researchers from Meta and UNC-Chapel Hill Introduce Branch-Solve-Merge: A Revolutionary Program Enhancing Large Language Models’ Performance in Complex Language Tasks

  BRANCH-SOLVE-MERGE (BSM) is a program for enhancing Large Language Models (LLMs) in complex natural language tasks. BSM includes branching, solving, and merging modules to plan, crack, and combine sub-tasks. Applied to LLM response evaluation and constrained text generation with models like Vicuna, LLaMA-2-chat, and GPT-4, BSM boosts human-LLM agreement, reduces biases, and enables LLaMA-2-chat…

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This AI Paper Reveals: How Large Language Models Stack Up Against Search Engines in Fact-Checking Efficiency

  Researchers from different Universities compare the effectiveness of language models (LLMs) and search engines in aiding fact-checking. LLM explanations help users fact-check more efficiently than search engines, but users tend to rely on LLMs even when the explanations are incorrect. Adding contrastive information reduces over-reliance but only significantly outperforms search engines. In high-stakes situations,…

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Unlocking the Secrets of CLIP’s Data Success: Introducing MetaCLIP for Optimized Language-Image Pre-training

  In recent years, there have been exceptional advancements in Artificial Intelligence, with many new advanced models being introduced, especially in NLP and Computer Vision. CLIP is a neural network developed by OpenAI trained on a massive dataset of text and image pairs. It has helped advance numerous computer vision research and has supported modern…

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How Effective are Self-Explanations from Large Language Models like ChatGPT in Sentiment Analysis? A Deep Dive into Performance, Cost, and Interpretability

  Language models like GPT-3 are designed to be neutral and generate text based on the patterns they’ve learned in the data. They don’t have inherent sentiments or emotions. If the data used for training contains biases, these biases can be reflected in the model’s outputs. However, their output can be interpreted as positive, negative,…

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Meet ULTRA: A Pre-Trained Foundation Model for Knowledge Graph Reasoning that Works on Any Graph and Outperforms Supervised SOTA Models on 50+ Graphs

  ULTRA is a model designed to learn universal and transferable graph representations for knowledge graphs (KGs). ULTRA creates relational illustrations by conditioning them on interactions, enabling it to generalise to any KG with different entity and relation vocabularies. A pre-trained ULTRA model exhibits impressive zero-shot inductive inference on new graphs in link prediction experiments,…

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