YouTube Music Introduces AI-Powered Playlist Customization Feature

  In an exciting development for music enthusiasts, YouTube Music has unveiled a groundbreaking feature that empowers users to create personalised playlist cover art using cutting-edge generative AI technology. Initially available to English-language users in the United States, this innovative tool allows listeners to craft unique visuals that resonate with their individual musical preferences, departing…

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Apple Researchers Introduce A Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Approach to Dense 3D Reconstruction from Dynamically-Posed RGB Images

  With learnt priors, RGB-only reconstruction with a monocular camera has made significant strides toward resolving the issues of low-texture areas and the inherent ambiguity of image-based reconstruction. Practical solutions for real-time execution have garnered considerable attention, as they are essential for interactive applications on mobile devices. Nevertheless, a crucial prerequisite yet to be considered…

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Researchers from Meta and UNC-Chapel Hill Introduce Branch-Solve-Merge: A Revolutionary Program Enhancing Large Language Models’ Performance in Complex Language Tasks

  BRANCH-SOLVE-MERGE (BSM) is a program for enhancing Large Language Models (LLMs) in complex natural language tasks. BSM includes branching, solving, and merging modules to plan, crack, and combine sub-tasks. Applied to LLM response evaluation and constrained text generation with models like Vicuna, LLaMA-2-chat, and GPT-4, BSM boosts human-LLM agreement, reduces biases, and enables LLaMA-2-chat…

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This AI Paper Reveals: How Large Language Models Stack Up Against Search Engines in Fact-Checking Efficiency

  Researchers from different Universities compare the effectiveness of language models (LLMs) and search engines in aiding fact-checking. LLM explanations help users fact-check more efficiently than search engines, but users tend to rely on LLMs even when the explanations are incorrect. Adding contrastive information reduces over-reliance but only significantly outperforms search engines. In high-stakes situations,…

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Unlocking the Secrets of CLIP’s Data Success: Introducing MetaCLIP for Optimized Language-Image Pre-training

  In recent years, there have been exceptional advancements in Artificial Intelligence, with many new advanced models being introduced, especially in NLP and Computer Vision. CLIP is a neural network developed by OpenAI trained on a massive dataset of text and image pairs. It has helped advance numerous computer vision research and has supported modern…

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How Effective are Self-Explanations from Large Language Models like ChatGPT in Sentiment Analysis? A Deep Dive into Performance, Cost, and Interpretability

  Language models like GPT-3 are designed to be neutral and generate text based on the patterns they’ve learned in the data. They don’t have inherent sentiments or emotions. If the data used for training contains biases, these biases can be reflected in the model’s outputs. However, their output can be interpreted as positive, negative,…

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Meet ULTRA: A Pre-Trained Foundation Model for Knowledge Graph Reasoning that Works on Any Graph and Outperforms Supervised SOTA Models on 50+ Graphs

  ULTRA is a model designed to learn universal and transferable graph representations for knowledge graphs (KGs). ULTRA creates relational illustrations by conditioning them on interactions, enabling it to generalise to any KG with different entity and relation vocabularies. A pre-trained ULTRA model exhibits impressive zero-shot inductive inference on new graphs in link prediction experiments,…

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A New AI Research from Fujitsu Improves Weakly-Supervised Action Segmentation For Human-Robot Interaction With Action-Union Learning

  Recent developments in the field of human action recognition have enabled some amazing breakthroughs in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). With this technology, robots have begun to understand human behavior and react accordingly. Action segmentation, which is the process of determining the labels and temporal bounds of human actions, is a crucial part of action recognition….

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Meta AI Researchers Introduce GenBench: A Revolutionary Framework for Advancing Generalization in Natural Language Processing

  A model’s capacity to generalize or effectively apply its learned knowledge to new contexts is essential to the ongoing success of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Though it’s generally accepted as an important component, it’s still unclear what exactly qualifies as a good generalization in NLP and how to evaluate it. Generalization lets models respond…

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Researchers from Columbia University and Apple Introduce Ferret: A Groundbreaking Multimodal Language Model for Advanced Image Understanding and Description

  How to facilitate spatial knowledge of models is a major research issue in vision-language learning. This dilemma leads to two required capabilities: referencing and grounding. While grounding requires the model to localize the region in line with the provided semantic description, referring asks that the model fully understand the semantics of specific supplied regions….

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