Local SEO for new physical locations

Opening a new business location can be an exciting yet chaotic time. As a local SEO expert, you want to do everything possible to hit the ground running and get the new location visible immediately. This requires coordination across teams and channels while keeping some key local ranking factors in mind. This article covers tips…

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Google Ads investigating issue impacting AdMob

Google Ads is investigating reports of an issue impacting AdMob. The affected users have said that while they are able to access AdMob, they cannot retrieve their most recent data. Some clicks that are recorded from Apple iOS 17 devices are not being counted in the reports, leading to inaccurate reporting as a consequence. Why…

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YouTube is deliberately ‘suboptimal’ for people using ad blockers

YouTube has admitted to intentionally creating a suboptimal experience for users employing ad blockers. Reports of a deliberate five-second delay in loading video pages on Mozilla’s Firefox have emerged on forums like Reddit and Hacker News. Despite initial speculation about browser specificity, YouTube has clarified that users across all platforms may encounter loading delays. This…

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Snapchat is testing an ad-free subscription

Snapchat has started testing an ad-free paid subscription plan in Australia. For $US10.50 a month, the new Snapchat+ tier enables consumers to use the platform without disruption from Story or Lens ads. However, the app notes that users may still see sponsored places or My AI responses. Why we care. Should ad-free subscriptions gain popularity,…

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