Brand Protection: The complete guide

The strongest paid search strategy builds on your brand’s unique value. Here, you control the customer experience and messaging, driving traffic that converts from search, via Google Ads.  Your brand terms, message and unique selling points are yours to leverage – and in paid search, they should be your safe haven. But with fierce competition,…

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Microsoft confirms Reddit blocked Bing Search

Reddit has updated its robots.txt file, preventing Bing and many other search engines from crawling the site. “Bing stopped crawling Reddit after they implemented their updated robots.txt file on July 1, which prohibits all crawling of their site,” a Microsoft representative told Search Engine Land. What happened. On July 1, 2024, Reddit updated its robots.txt…

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Data strategies for unlocking customer lifetime value

Discover how predictive analytics and AI convert raw data into actionable insights, eliminate data noise and forecast emerging trends. Edna Chavira on July 24, 2024 at 7:08 pm | Reading time: 1 minute SearchBot is thinking … Imagine a world where your marketing efforts go beyond short-term gains. A world where you can predict customer behavior,…

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Can’t keep up? 3 timeless ways to future-proof SEO

The past year hasn’t been the easiest in search. SEOs are literally unhappier, trying to keep up with unprecedented volatility, ever-expanding workloads and cascading internal expectations.  Couple all this with an unstable macro environment, reduced liquidity that depressed valuations, little-to-no acquisitions or exits, once-in-a-generation technology advancements like AI and a couple of crushing core algorithm…

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