Google offers enhanced conversions consultations

Google is rolling out a new notification in select Google Ads accounts, offering personalized support for implementing enhanced conversions. Why we care. Despite Google’s decision to stall removing cookies from Chrome, advertisers still need new ways to measure and optimize their campaigns. Enhanced conversions provide a privacy-focused solution to maintain accurate conversion tracking. Details. The…

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2024 organic website traffic benchmarks

Comparing your website’s organic search performance to the latest industry benchmarks is the best way to contextualize YTD organic search traffic data, adapt SEO and content strategies to maximize results, and set more informed KPIs. Join Steven van Vessum, Director of Organic Marketing at Conductor, and Shannon Vize, Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Conductor, as…

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Could AI eventually make SEO obsolete?

The short answer is, “no.” Perhaps a more relevant question is: Could AI render human SEO analysis and actions redundant? In other words, will AI eventually replace your job? Early analysis suggests that AI still falls short, particularly in technical SEO analysis. While this study primarily used basic prompts, some users report better results with…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 22, 2024

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. Google is testing new link citations in the AI Overviews. Google is also testing saving AI Overviews for later. Google is showing some AI-generated images in some…

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Key areas to optimize beyond landing pages

Conversion rate (CVR) is one of the top performance drivers when it comes to PPC campaigns. This article outlines key factors that can influence PPC conversion rates so you can squeeze as much revenue from your paid campaigns as possible. Optimizing for PPC conversion rates A common conversion rate optimization (CRO) methodology involves three steps:…

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