Content not ranking? 5 questions to ask ASAP

Developments like AI, SGE and Helpful Content are making SEO exceedingly complex today. They make it feel like the goalposts that measure whether we’re doing a “good” or “bad” job are constantly shifting. But I have good news: SEO evolve daily, but the underlying principles of what you’re solving for hasn’t changed much over the…

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Google confirms a search ranking bug where sites disappear from search results over the weekend

Google confirmed a search ranking bug, a “very narrow issue,” as Google called it, that affected a “small number of websites” where those rankings would drop out of the Google Search results over the weekend and then reappear during the weekdays. Google’s statement. A Google spokesperson told Search Engine Land this issue has already been resolved…

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Fospha as TikTok’s New Measurement Partner

Understanding media performance in digital marketing is like navigating a maze that constantly changes. The emergence of platforms like TikTok has revolutionized how brands connect with their audience, adding layers of complexity and opportunity. However, with regulatory changes such as GDPR and iOS 14.5 updates, eCommerce brands are now facing a growing challenge: gaining clear…

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