Google Author Name & Site Favicon On Article Carousel

Google is now showing author name icons via profile page and a site’s favicon and sitename on articles in the article carousel. So it is showing two favicon-like icons in the article carousel snippets, instead of one.

So now in the article carousel, Google is showing both the site’s favicon and name with the author profile page icon. So it looks like two favicons are overlapping.

Glenn Gabe posted about this on X saying, “A slight, but interesting change, in the Articles carousel for journalists/authors. Now there are two favicons in the carousel. One using the first letter of the author’s name and then one for the publication. First time I have seen this. Wonder if the author favicon will ultimately lead to a profile or something in the future. Total speculation, but worth noting.”

Here is a screenshot I was able to grab of this in action:

Google Articles Profile Page Author Name

You can see it shows “Barry Schwartz” (not me) with a B and the name of the publication, “Philadelphia Inquirer,” with the favicon on it.

I think this is a bit too much, I wonder how long Google will keep this interface.

Here are more screenshots:

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