Google Blue Map Pin With City Location Name On Search Results Snippets

Google is now showing a blue map pin with a city name under some of the search result snippets. This seems to be rolling out now and seems to be new. It shows you if a specific website is near you or in a specific city, I think.

Here is what this looks like for me:

Google Search Snippet Result City Name Pin

You can see it shows a blue map pin, followed by a city’s name, then the distance to my location, and then if the store is open or not.

I spotted this via Rafa Martin on X and Punit on Mastodon who live in different regions and shared different screenshots.

Here they are:

Google Search Result City Name2 Pin

Google Search Result City Name Pin

Have you seen these before? They may not be new but I received two notifications about this feature this morning, which is unusual.

Forum discussion at X and Mastodon.

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