Google Search Console Links Report Now Showing More Links

A couple of weeks ago we reported that there was a bug with the Google Search Console link report. Google’s John Mueller eventually confirmed the issue and said a fix will come out soon. This morning (I checked several times per day since then) I am seeing a small increase in the number of links being reported by the link report.

So maybe, just maybe, a fix is rolling out for the Google Search Console links report…

Here is what I see this morning, about 250,000 links, which is up from 214,000 links from before:

click for full size

In June 2023 I showed 214,000 links:

Google Links Report 2023

Here is a screenshot from July 2022 showing 550,000 links:

click for full size

October 2019 at 1.2 million links:

Gsc Link Count Drop

August 2018 at 2.5 million links:

click for full size

Here is where John Mueller of Google confirmed the issue:

Are you all seeing an improvement in the links being reported in the Google Search Console link report?

Update: John Mueller confirmed it on Twitter:

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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