The state of SEO in 2024: Are you AI-ready?

As search marketers brace themselves for SEO’s next chapter, it’s easy to get caught off guard by disruptions from generative AI advancements like Google’s SGE. Get ready to step into the future of SEO by joining experts from Conductor as they dive into the ever-evolving landscape of SEO in the age of AI. Learn more…

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How To Optimize Category Pages for E-Commerce

If you could pick only one SEO strategy to boost organic traffic for your ecommerce store, optimizing category/collection pages would be the ultimate go-to. Here’s why.  First, category pages allow for broader keyword targeting by bringing together a specific set of products that fall under a broader theme or topic.  Consequently, a collection page can…

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HTTP Status Codes: How Do They Affect SEO? | Mangools

HTTP status codes play a crucial role in the functionality and performance of websites, but their impact extends beyond technical matters. When it comes to SEO, understanding HTTP status codes becomes essential.  These status codes are crucial for search engines since they can influence how Google will crawl and index your pages effectively.  In this…

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What Is a CDN & How Does It Affect SEO?

Ever wondered why your website seems stuck on the later pages of Google’s search results, even though you’ve optimized every web page? Sometimes, slow website performance can be the culprit. If that rings a bell, then you may want to explore the wonders of a Content Delivery Network, or CDN. But before you get swamped…

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