Google advertisers can now opt out of Search Network

Google is allowing advertisers to opt out of the Search Network. This decision comes in the wake of an Adalytics report claiming that Google search ads appeared on inappropriate non-Google websites through the search partner sites, creating potential risks for brand safety. The flagged websites referenced in the research contain pornographic, sanctioned and pirated content….

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Tencent AI Lab Introduces GPT4Video: A Unified Multimodal Large Language Model for lnstruction-Followed Understanding and Safety-Aware Generation

  The problem of video understanding and generation scenarios has been addressed by researchers of Tencent AI Lab and The University of Sydney by presenting GPT4Video. This unified multi-model framework supports LLMs with the capability of both video understanding and generation. GPT4Video developed an instruction-following-based approach integrated with the stable diffusion generative model, which effectively…

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This AI Paper Proposes ‘GREAT PLEA’ Ethical Framework: A Military-Inspired Approach for Responsible AI in Healthcare

  A group of researchers from various institutions, including the University of Pittsburgh, Weill Cornell Medicine, Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center, Uniformed Services University, Brooke Army Medical Center, and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have examined the ethical principles of generative AI in healthcare, particularly focusing on transparency, bias modeling, and ethical decision-making concerns….

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Meet MMMU: A New AI Benchmark for Expert-Level Multimodal Challenges Paving the Path to Artificial General Intelligence

  Multimodal pre-training advancements address diverse tasks, exemplified by models like LXMERT, UNITER, VinVL, Oscar, VilBert, and VLP. Models such as FLAN-T5, Vicuna, LLaVA, and more enhance instruction-following capabilities. Others like Flamingo, OpenFlamingo, Otter, and MetaVL explore in-context learning. While benchmarks like VQA focus on perception, MMMU stands out by demanding expert-level knowledge and deliberate…

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