4 YouTube Shopping updates, including Collections & Affiliate Hub

YouTube introduced four new updates for shopping creators, aimed at enhancing conversions, providing inspiration, and offering more choices. These updates include: Shopping Collections. The Affiliate Hub. Enhanced tagging. Fourthwall. Why we care. If you are a YouTube Shopping creator or a brand that sells products on the platform, these new capabilities and features could be…

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Clicks and conversions up, costs down

Facebook advertising continues to offer strong ROI for businesses in 2024, with some key metrics improving year-over-year according to a report released by Wordstream. Why it matters. As Google faces antitrust scrutiny and rising ad costs, Facebook is maintaining relatively stable pricing and performance for advertisers. By the numbers: Average click-through rate for lead campaigns:…

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Google Rolling Out Dedicated Perspectives Feature

Google may be rolling out the dedicated “perspectives” filter, not just the perspectives filter that rolled out a couple of weeks ago, but the perspectives carousel. This is what Google announced at Google I/O where they said, “You can also access this content through a dedicated Perspectives section that may appear on the results page,…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: September 13, 2024

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. Google Ads is launching confidential matching, a new privacy-centric ad feature. Google is testing a new AI Overview interface. Advertisers are complaining about fraud on the Search…

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Weekend Google Core Ranking Volatility

As I mentioned briefly in my Friday video recap, I was starting to see renewed chatter on Friday morning around more Google search ranking volatility likely related to the ongoing Google March 2024 core update. I spotted some renewed chatter that lead through Friday, into Saturday and today. So I figured I’d cover it and…

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Google Ads API v15 to sunset Sept. 25

Google announced the upcoming sunset of Google Ads API version 15, urging developers to migrate to newer versions to maintain uninterrupted API access. Why we care. Failure to upgrade could result in API requests failing, potentially disrupting advertising operations for businesses. Key details: Sunset date: Sept. 25. All v15 API requests will fail after this…

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How schema markup establishes trust and boosts information gain

In this article, we’ll explore how schema markup, particularly the use of descriptive markup, linking entities and connecting to external data sources, can establish trust with Google and potentially reduce the chances of being deindexed.  Additionally, we’ll discuss the role of schema markup in increasing the likelihood of inclusion in Search Generative Experience (SGE) and…

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The unexpected origins of a modern finance tool | MIT News

  In the early 1600s, the officials running Durham Cathedral, in England, had serious financial problems. Soaring prices had raised expenses. Most cathedral income came from renting land to tenant farmers, who had long leases so officials could not easily raise the rent. Instead, church leaders started charging periodic fees, but these often made tenants…

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