Google Ads To Migrate Vehicle Ads From Smart Shopping Campaigns To Performance Max

Google announced that starting next month, in September, existing vehicle ads campaigns created through Smart Shopping campaigns will be automatically migrated to Performance Max. Well, Google used the word “upgraded,” but it felt weird to write that, so I replaced it with “migrated.” Google explained that all your campaign settings, structure, audience signals, vehicle feeds,…

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Google Search can now index CSV files

Google Search has added to its file types indexable by Google help document that it can now index Comma-Separated Values (.csv) files. I confirmed with John Mueller of Google that this is not just a help document update but a new update to Google Search in what it can index. More details. I spotted the…

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5 essential PPC skills every agency pro must have

Most digital agencies today are willing to hire beginner marketers. Unfortunately, many do not provide meaningful training on pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. Even worse, some colleagues might hide or misrepresent essential information. While you can find much of that information online for free, it’s often a complicated mess. To address this, here is a basic five-step…

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