Google launches new Ad Review Centre

Google has rolled out a new Ad Review Centre for AdSense, Ad Manager and AdMob. Five major changes have been added to the platform – all aimed at improving the user experience for advertisers. Below is a breakdown of what’s new. New Features: Larger area to view ads. The new Ad Review Centre features an improved…

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Google Ads support is at an ‘all-time low’ – we asked Google why

Google Ads customer service has plummeted to an unacceptable all-time low, according to search marketers. From incorrect account suspensions to uncomfortable sales calls “aggressively” pushing automation to confusion over the platform’s own products, advertisers have told Search Engine Land that they are exasperated by the lack of help offered by their reps. And the problem…

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How To Optimize Category Pages for E-Commerce

If you could pick only one SEO strategy to boost organic traffic for your ecommerce store, optimizing category/collection pages would be the ultimate go-to. Here’s why.  First, category pages allow for broader keyword targeting by bringing together a specific set of products that fall under a broader theme or topic.  Consequently, a collection page can…

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