Google accused of anti-competitive tactics by Japanese regulator

Google allegedly prevented Yahoo Japan from accessing crucial technology required to generate targeted ad revenue from mobile searches from 2015 to 2022, according to Japan’s Fair Trade Commission (FTC). Google only changed its behavior after the FTC flagged the issues. Google then committed to giving Yahoo Japan access to keyword-tied targeted advertising technology, Bloomberg reported….

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Google Search Removed Indented Results

Google has stopped the indented results, something Google has been doing for well over a decade. Instead, Google will just list out the result it would have indented in the main results and not indent it under that main result. Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, confirmed this on X saying, “We stopped doing “indented results”…

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Fancy Google Zurich Room

Here is a room a the Google office in Zurich that is super fancy. You have a brick wall, fireplace, chandelier, mirror, sconces, a fancy globe, nice sofa, wooden cheese game, and a fancy rug. I spotted this on Instagram. I do feel like I covered some items from this room before… This post is…

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