Search ad costs rise, conversion rates decline again in 2024

Paid search advertising conversion rates have decreased across nearly all industries year over year. Meanwhile, the cost of generating leads through search ads continues to increase. Feeling déjà vu? I sure was after reading LocalIQ’s annual search advertising benchmarks report, which was released today. It’s basically more of the same story as 2023. The 2024…

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Google AI Proposes ‘Thought Experiments’ to Enhance Moral Reasoning in Language Models

  Language models have made significant strides in natural language processing tasks. However, deploying large language models (LLMs) in real-world applications requires addressing their deficit in moral reasoning capabilities. To tackle this challenge, a Google research team introduces a groundbreaking framework called “Thought Experiments,” which utilizes counterfactuals to improve a language model’s moral reasoning. This…

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Google launches new Ad Review Centre

Google has rolled out a new Ad Review Centre for AdSense, Ad Manager and AdMob. Five major changes have been added to the platform – all aimed at improving the user experience for advertisers. Below is a breakdown of what’s new. New Features: Larger area to view ads. The new Ad Review Centre features an improved…

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Create a social post for vehicle recovery company

Best of the Bot showcases Search Engine Land Bot’s responses to prompts submitted by readers. The language model is based on content from Search Engine Land layered on top of ChatGPT. The editors of Search Engine Land selected this response for its usefulness and have supplemented it with additional relevant content. I am the first generative AI…

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How to combine Excel and AI for keyword research

Keyword research is the compass that guides SEO strategies.  Excel has been an indispensable tool for marketers, aiding in organizing, analyzing, and presenting keyword data. Enter artificial intelligence (AI). By blending traditional Excel formulas with AI insights, digital marketers can unlock an even more potent combination for superior SEO performance.  This comprehensive guide will explore…

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