TikTok launches ads transparency library

TikTok has launched a Commercial Content Library to provide transparency around its paid advertising. Marketers will be able to use the database to research information about TikTok’s paid ads – as well as other content that’s commercial in nature, such as: The advertising creative. Dates the ad ran. Main parameters used for targeting (e.g. age,…

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Meet GO To Any Thing (GOAT): A Universal Navigation System that can Find Any Object Specified in Any Way- as an Image, Language, or a Category- in Completely Unseen Environments

  A team of researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of California Berkeley, Meta AI Research, and Mistral AI has developed a universal navigation system called GO To Any Thing (GOAT). This system is designed for extended autonomous operation in home and warehouse environments. GOAT is…

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Chosun University Researchers Introduce a Machine Learning Framework for Precise Localization of Bleached Corals Using Bag-of-Hybrid Visual Feature Classification

  The most diversified marine environment on Earth is said to be found in coral reefs. Over 4,000 kinds of fish may be found in the coral reefs, home to an estimated 25% of all marine life. In coral, underwater parasite algae, or zooxanthellae, produces vibrant calcium carbonate structures known as reefs. When the water…

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Google limits functionality of suspended ads accounts

Google is rolling out restrictions for suspended Google Ads accounts, limiting the actions advertisers can take while their accounts are suspended. Restrictions will be implemented in June 2024. Why we care. The restrictions could frustrate some advertisers wanting full access during suspension periods. What’s new? The functionality of suspended accounts will be narrowed to a…

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