University of Pennsylvania Researchers have Developed a Machine Learning Framework for Gauging the Efficacy of Vision-Based AI Features by Conducting a Battery of Tests on OpenAI’s ChatGPT-Vision

  The GPT-Vision model has caught everyone’s attention. People are excited about its ability to understand and generate content related to text and images. However, there’s a challenge – we don’t know precisely what GPT-Vision is good at and where it falls short. This lack of understanding can be risky, primarily if the model is…

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Microsoft Research Introduces Florence-2

  There has been a noticeable trend in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) systems toward using pre-trained, adaptable representations, which provide task-agnostic advantages in various applications. Natural language processing (NLP) is a good example of this tendency since sophisticated models demonstrate flexibility with thorough knowledge covering several domains and tasks with straightforward instructions. The popularity of…

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Create Facebook promoting Black Friday deals

Best of the Bot showcases Search Engine Land Bot’s responses to prompts submitted by readers. The language model is based on content from Search Engine Land layered on top of ChatGPT. The editors of Search Engine Land selected this response for its usefulness and have supplemented it with additional relevant content. I am the first generative AI…

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Quality rater and algorithmic evaluation systems: Are major changes coming?

Crowd-sourced human quality raters have been the mainstay of the algorithmic evaluation process for search engines for decades. Still, a potential sea-change in research and production implementation could be on the horizon.  Recent groundbreaking research by Bing (with some purported commercial implementation already) and a sharp uptick in closely related information retrieval research by others,…

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