Why it’s time to reevaluate your match type and bidding strategy

Advertisers have been encouraged to reevaluate their match type and bidding strategies to effectively optimize costs and maximize campaign performance. The advice was published in a new report conducted by Optmyzr that investigated broad match type vs exact match type. Although researcher and Optmyzr evangelist Navah Hopkins previously strongly supported broad match in favor of…

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Meta AI assistant uses Microsoft Bing Search results

Meta AI, announced today, is a new conversational assistant “you can interact with like a person,” according to the company. Microsoft Bing is working with Meta to “integrate Bing into Meta AI’s chat experiences enabling more timely and up-to-date answers with access to real-time search information,” according to Yusuf Mehdi, corporate vice president and consumer…

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Everything you ever wanted to know about data but were afraid to ask

Making informed decisions about your marketing data investments is crucial. That’s why empowering yourself as a confident, savvy data-buyer is essential. Join industry experts in this webinar to learn how to save time, reduce headaches and extract maximum value from your marketing data investments. Learn more by registering and attending “Everything You Ever Wanted to…

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