Tracking 20 years of search

Are you a new search marketer looking to learn about the history of search? Do you want to stay updated on the latest search marketing news? If so, there’s only one person you need to “follow” to know 90% of the interesting changes in the industry.  This individual has a website; his first blog post…

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YouTube increases external link opportunities for creators

YouTube is expanding its link listing display on creators’ channel profiles. The platform now allows you to include up to 14 prominent clickable links near the ‘Subscribe’ button to create awareness of your other platforms, such as websites, social profiles, merch sites and any other links that comply with its Community Guidelines. The new feature…

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What advertisers need to know

Account suspensions are essential to “maintain a healthy and sustainable digital advertising ecosystem with user protection at its core,” according to Google Ads. While we can all agree that the platform needs to be a safe experience for all, it can be a minefield for advertisers navigating the account suspension process. Let’s look at account…

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