Google Says Text To HTML Ratio Makes No Sense For SEO & Ignore It

Google’s John Mueller is at it again, saying that text-to-HTML ratios are not a thing for SEO. He said on Reddit, “It makes absolutely no sense at all for SEO,” and you should “ignore any report that gives you a text:html ratio.”

John wrote, “Please, ignore any report that gives you a text:html ratio. It makes absolutely no sense at all for SEO. Zero. Nada. Zilch. It was never a thing. You will see more of an effect if you change the font or the text color. If you continue to use it in your org, I will give you and your boss a very disappointed look from afar. It will be embarassing for everyone involved.”

So yea, he really went off on the whole text-to-HTML thing again. A year ago, John said code-to-text has never been an SEO factor and he said that also in 2018. So no, this is not new but I figured I’d cover this again since John was so passionate in his response on Reddit.

Forum discussion at Reddit.

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