Google Search Quality Raters Guidelines Updated

Google has updated the Google search quality raters guidelines and it is now only 168 pages, down from 176 pages – so it takes less time to read. I scanned through the changes and I did not see any massive changes like with the December 15, 2022 update.

Google said, “None of these involve any major or foundational shifts in our guidelines.”

What Changed In The Document

Here is what Google said changed:

  • Simplified Needs Met scale definitions and added guidance for specific types of Needs Met ratings; refreshed rating guidance and examples accordingly
  • Modernized examples by adding examples for popular platforms and video formats and removing outdated and redundant examples
  • Minor changes throughout (expanded rating guidance for forum pages; updated language, examples, and explanations for consistency across sections; fixed typos; etc.)

I scanned through the old and new document and noticed in sections 9.2 Ratings for Forums and Q&A Pages, section 12.1 Important Rating Definitions and Ideas, 12.7.4 Visit-in-Person Queries and User Location and the Part 3: Needs Met Rating Guideline section. But there were more changes and I didn’t go through it all.

It just seems like it was not a big update at first glance.

Previous Search Quality Rater Guidelines

Here are the previous versions of the search quality rater guidelines, if you want to download them all and compare them:

What Are Quality Raters & Guidelines

Google wrote these guidelines are what is used by Google’s third-party search raters to help evaluate the performance of the various Google search ranking systems, and their ratings do not directly influence Google’s search ranking. “The guidelines share important considerations for what content is helpful for people when using Google Search,” Google added. Google’s page on how to create helpful, people-first content summarizes these concepts for creators to help them self-assess their own content to be successful in Google Search, Google added.

Forum discussion at X.

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