How out-of-order ad promotion works on Google Search

During the ongoing DOJ antitrust trial against Google, the company reiterated it sometimes shows lower-ranked ads ahead of top-ranked ads.  This practice is known as out-of-order ad promotion. This little nuance to how the ad auction works can be confusing, so in this article, I’ll explain how out-of-order promotion works and why Google does it….

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How to create link building OKRs for SEO (with examples)

Objectives and key results (OKRs) are great tools for shaping SEO initiatives to align with the company’s goals. This article explores how OKRs can influence your SEO efforts, highlighting the connection between overarching business objectives and SEO-centric targets.  Understanding OKRs in SEO One of my favorite books is “Measure What Matters” by John Doerr. It…

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How to use Quora for SEO and research

Assessing and researching what people want and need is one of the most important SEO tasks.  However, traditional SEO tools can’t always capture the diversity of a query.  Often, keywords, questions and phrases can be asked differently and SEO tools can all report them as “zero volume” keywords. In reality, these keywords have high engagements…

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OpenAI Researchers Pioneer Advanced Consistency Models for High-Quality Data Sampling Without Adversarial Training

  Consistency models represent a category of generative models designed to generate high-quality data in a single step without relying on adversarial training. These models attain optimal sample quality by learning from pre-trained diffusion models and utilizing metrics like LPIPS (learning Perceptual Image Patch Similarity). The quality of consistency models is limited to the pre-trained…

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Researchers teach an AI to write better chart captions | MIT News

Chart captions that explain complex trends and patterns are important for improving a reader’s ability to comprehend and retain the data being presented. And for people with visual disabilities, the information in a caption often provides their only means of understanding the chart. But writing effective, detailed captions is a labor-intensive process. While autocaptioning techniques…

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How to harness DSA wins in Performance Max

Dynamic search ads (DSA) have been a staple in Google Ads and Microsoft Ads management for years. This powerhouse campaign type/setting enhances advertisers’ ability to use their organic search strength to inform their PPC campaigns.  By allowing Google to crawl their site and find the right landing page for a user’s query, advertisers can leverage…

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