LinkedIn restores service after global outage

LinkedIn is back up and running after a global outage prevented users from accessing their accounts. The technical glitch was impacting users globally, including the U.S. and UK, with more than 48,000 reports of issues via Downdetector. Why we care. If you were running ad campaigns on LinkedIn, expect a significant decrease in reach, engagement,…

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Meta shares guidance on how to ‘integrate brands on Threads’

Meta has been advising creators on what content they should post on Threads. The social network reportedly provided extensive guidelines on how marketers can integrate their brands on the platform in a leaked email. The message allegedly provided creators with content suggestions, engagement ideas, feature recommendations and specific examples of what makes a good post…

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Google automates lead credits for Local Services Ads

Google is rolling out automated Local Services Ads lead credits in July, streamlining the process for advertisers to receive credit for poor-quality leads. Why it matters. This change aims to save time for advertisers and ensure more equitable distribution of ad credits, particularly benefiting those with limited resources. This will potentially affect advertisers’ budgets, lead…

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Unlocking the Secrets of CLIP’s Data Success: Introducing MetaCLIP for Optimized Language-Image Pre-training

  In recent years, there have been exceptional advancements in Artificial Intelligence, with many new advanced models being introduced, especially in NLP and Computer Vision. CLIP is a neural network developed by OpenAI trained on a massive dataset of text and image pairs. It has helped advance numerous computer vision research and has supported modern…

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How to use Quora for SEO and research

Assessing and researching what people want and need is one of the most important SEO tasks.  However, traditional SEO tools can’t always capture the diversity of a query.  Often, keywords, questions and phrases can be asked differently and SEO tools can all report them as “zero volume” keywords. In reality, these keywords have high engagements…

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