Google advertisers can now opt out of Search Network

Google is allowing advertisers to opt out of the Search Network. This decision comes in the wake of an Adalytics report claiming that Google search ads appeared on inappropriate non-Google websites through the search partner sites, creating potential risks for brand safety. The flagged websites referenced in the research contain pornographic, sanctioned and pirated content….

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5 behavioral strategies to test

SEO and PPC professionals are all in the business of driving more traffic to websites. But are you getting the most out of the visitors you already have? This is a critical question. And, often, the answer is “no.”  A solid search marketing strategy requires a customer experience plan as its core. Even if customer…

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7 tips for conducting Google Ads audits

PPC accounts are constantly in flux. Between short-term promotions, trying new features, testing, removing poorly converting items, and ongoing management, enough items are changed in the account that you need to occasionally take a step back to get a high-level picture of the account. Auditing your account regularly ensures that it is working properly and…

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