Octo: An Open-Sourced Large Transformer-based Generalist Robot Policy Trained on 800k Trajectories from the Open X-Embodiment Dataset

  Regarding robotic learning, the standard practice is to use datasets tailored to the particular robot and job at hand to train policies. Starting from scratch in this manner necessitates a substantial amount of data collection for every activity, and the policies that are produced typically display little generalizability. Theoretically, data gathered from previous robots…

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iPhones may not be as ‘private’ as you are made to believe, warn researchers

  Privacy concerns regarding Apple’s iPhone have recently been highlighted by researchers from Finland’s Aalto University. Despite Apple’s reputation for prioritising privacy, the researchers found that keeping personal data hidden from Apple is challenging. The study focused on eight preloaded Apple apps, including Safari, Siri, and iMessage, which are integral to the Apple ecosystem and…

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9 SEO tactics for the holiday period

The holiday season brings a surge of searches around gifts, events, recipes and more. Savvy marketers can capture this traffic spike with targeted SEO strategies. Below are nine ways to optimize your website for the holidays and make the most of this high-traffic period. 1. Capitalize on seasonal topics Using tools like Google Trends and…

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Meta shares guidance on how to ‘integrate brands on Threads’

Meta has been advising creators on what content they should post on Threads. The social network reportedly provided extensive guidelines on how marketers can integrate their brands on the platform in a leaked email. The message allegedly provided creators with content suggestions, engagement ideas, feature recommendations and specific examples of what makes a good post…

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This AI Paper Introduces LCM-LoRA: Revolutionizing Text-to-Image Generative Tasks with Advanced Latent Consistency Models and LoRA Distillation

  Latent Diffusion Models are generative models used in machine learning, particularly in probabilistic modeling. These models aim to capture a dataset’s underlying structure or latent variables, often focusing on generating realistic samples or making predictions. These describe the evolution of a system over time. This can refer to transforming a set of random variables…

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Google boss addresses concerns of AI replacing advertising staff

Google officially clarified that it has no plans to replace its advertising sales staff with AI. Philipp Schindler, Google’s senior vice president and chief business officer, emphasized that recent organizational restructures were geared towards enhancing the efficiency of its services. Additionally, he highlighted that the ongoing development of new AI solutions is to enable its…

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Google Ads now limits country-level location exclusions

Google Ads started limiting country-level location exclusion to 120 entities. Moving forward, advertisers will receive a warning notification if the number of entities they enter exceeds this limit. Exclusion list changes. The issue was first flagged by Google Ads marketing agency PPC Sauce on X: “I have an exclusion list (all countries but US, or…

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