Driven to driverless | MIT News

When Cindy Heredia was choosing an MBA program, she knew she wanted to be at the forefront of the autonomous driving industry. While doing research, she discovered that MIT had a unique offering: a student-run driverless team. Heredia applied to MIT to join the team, hoping to get hands-on experience. “My hope is that we’re…

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Walmart is launching targeted in-store ads at its checkouts

Walmart is expanding its digital advertising offering in stores. The supermarket giant will soon show customers targeted ads from third parties on screens in self-checkout lanes. Brands interested in purchasing this ad space will be able to choose regions or specific stores in which to promote their campaigns. Why we care. Walmart is the biggest…

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Reddit launches first-party measurement tools

Reddit has launched two first-party measurement tools, Reddit Brand Lift and Reddit Conversion Lift. These are meant to help Reddit advertisers more efficiently monitor campaign performance. Why we care. Advertisers can now access improved campaign performance data, empowering them to validate investments, optimize strategies more efficiently, and enhance their attribution models. Ultimately, this could lead to maximizing…

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How to 10x rankings in competitive spaces using the ‘beachhead principle’

Normandy was the beachhead in 1944.  D-Day was the culmination of a successful head fake, surprising the Germans and helping to establish a strong foothold for the Allies to eventually retake France (and the rest of Europe along with it).  Clayton Christenson borrowed the military-inspired “beachhead principle” for his bestselling book, “Crossing the Chasm,” to…

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Google tightens AdMob policies, reshaping ad placement rules

Google announced significant updates to its AdMob policies, set to take effect this month, aimed at improving clarity and transparency for publishers. These changes will impact how and where ads can be placed within apps, particularly in private communication spaces, affecting publishers’ monetization strategies. Key changes: “Ads on Dynamic Content” policy replaced with “Ads in…

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Princeton Researchers Introduce InterCode: A Revolutionary Lightweight Framework Streamlining Language Model Interaction for Human-Like Language-to-Code Generation

ChatGPT, the latest chatbot developed by OpenAI, has been in the headlines ever since its release. This GPT transformer architecture-based model imitates humans by answering questions accurately just like a human, generates content for blogs, social media, research, etc., translates languages, summarizes long textual paragraphs while retaining the important key points, and even generates code…

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