How to combine Excel and AI for keyword research

Keyword research is the compass that guides SEO strategies.  Excel has been an indispensable tool for marketers, aiding in organizing, analyzing, and presenting keyword data. Enter artificial intelligence (AI). By blending traditional Excel formulas with AI insights, digital marketers can unlock an even more potent combination for superior SEO performance.  This comprehensive guide will explore…

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Google is not about blue links, says ex-CEO Eric Schmidt

“Google is not about blue links. It’s about organizing the world’s information,” according to former executive chairman and CEO of Google Eric Schmidt, speaking earlier today on CNBC. Schmidt was asked about the “blue link economy,” and all the brands and businesses that have benefited from Google Search. But Google is changing. In the new…

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Focus on customer lifetime value

Forget flashy ads and vanity metrics. 2024 is all about strategic growth marketing focused on building real customer loyalty. Leading brands know the most valuable customers aren’t one-time buyers, but passionate fans who provide recurring revenue.  Here’s how to structure marketing experiments that move users through the AARRR funnel, from acquisition to revenue and beyond….

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