Instagram rolls out subscription feature to 10 more countries

Instagram will be expanding its subscription feature outside the U.S. for the first time in the coming weeks. After successfully rolling out this capability in America last year, the social platform has announced plans to roll it out in 10 more countries, including: Australia Brazil Canada France Germany Italy Japan Mexico Spain United Kingdom Instagram…

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A New Google AI Research Proposes to Significantly Reduce the Burden on LLMs by Using a New Technique Called Pairwise Ranking Prompting (PRP)

Compared to their supervised counterparts, which may be trained with millions of labeled examples, Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and PaLM have shown impressive performance on various natural language tasks, even in the zero-shot setting. However, utilizing LLMs to solve the basic text ranking problem has had mixed results. Existing findings often perform noticeably…

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Content not ranking? 5 questions to ask ASAP

Developments like AI, SGE and Helpful Content are making SEO exceedingly complex today. They make it feel like the goalposts that measure whether we’re doing a “good” or “bad” job are constantly shifting. But I have good news: SEO evolve daily, but the underlying principles of what you’re solving for hasn’t changed much over the…

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Google Analytics 4 audiences are rolled out on Google Ads

Google Analytics 4 audiences can now be easily created and applied directly within Google Ads. You can now build Analytics audiences, including predictive audiences, using the Audience Manager feature and during the campaign creation process, GA announced on X. Why we care. This new capability helps marketers understand their audience better through Google Ads. It…

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Google to fix link report in Search Console

Google has confirmed an issue with the link report within Google Search Console. The issue seems to be impacting the number of links shown in that report. John Mueller, a Google Search Advocate, said “To update here, we did find something” with the link report. He added, “Hopefully it’ll be resolved this week.” Link report…

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