How to audit your YouTube channel for brand success

Despite what some business leaders still (shockingly) think, YouTube isn’t just cat videos and fail compilations; it’s a mighty tool in your marketing arsenal.  If you’re not harnessing its full potential, you’re missing out big time.  Regularly performing a thorough audit is one way to ensure you’re squeezing all the value from your brand’s YouTube…

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Google Ads launches email series offering tailored optimization tips

Google Ads launched a new email series offering partners customized optimization advice. Each email is tailored to your client’s account setup, offering recommended solutions to enhance campaign performance. Why we care. As advertisers continue to face difficulty reaching Google Ads support, these automated emails offer valuable insights to boost campaign performance. Although they are not…

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Unlock AI’s potential in paid media creative

Economic demands require marketers to do more with less. Today, small teams meet this demand by adopting AI to produce a greater output. Without AI, teams risk not meeting their goals due to limited resources. Likewise, advancements in PPC have changed how teams think about technology’s impact. Methods of targeting, designing creative and structuring campaigns…

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Knowledge base SEO: A comprehensive guide

Knowledge bases are powerful self-service features that improve customer satisfaction, enhance user experience and reduce customer support costs. The knowledge base can also be an SEO goldmine if given proper attention.  Follow this guide to make your knowledge base a hit with both users and search engines. What is a knowledge base? A knowledge base…

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