How Google ending continuous scroll could impact ORM

Google’s continuous scroll feature allowed users to seamlessly glide through search results without the cumbersome need to click “Next.” Akin to adding more real estate to a Monopoly board, this function served as a potential game-changer for digital marketers and SEO professionals. However, Google’s continuous scroll presented new challenges for online reputation management (ORM) firms….

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How Chat GPT is changing SEO

The launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 has been a real game changer for digital marketers across the world. SEO professionals are still trying to navigate the potential benefits and power of this technology. The ability to type in search queries through live chat and get perfectly and uniquely written content hosts several advantages for…

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How to avoid wasted spend

Regular audits of Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns are crucial for PPC marketers. Failing to do so can result in significant costs for clients, and what’s more, it’s often an entirely avoidable expense. To avoid common pitfalls and optimize spending in PPC campaigns, Melissa Mackey, paid search director at Compound Growth Marketing, provided a…

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LinkedIn launches sponsored articles

LinkedIn has introduced sponsored articles, providing marketers with an additional tool that may contribute to enhancing brand awareness, increasing engagement, and driving lead generation. Why we care. As LinkedIn users will not have the hassle or inconvenience of having to leave the platform to read the sponsored content, this could result in higher engagement. How…

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Google Images See More Like This Icon

Google is testing an icon or button overlayed on images in the image search results to “see more like this.” I personally do not see this myself, so it must be a test. Brian Freiesleben spotted this and shared a screenshot with me on Twitter – here is one of those screenshots: Brain said that…

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CTV ad spend hits record-breaking $1 billion in June

Connected TV advertising broke records after ad spend reached $1 billion in June, according to a report by ad-research company Vivvix, formerly known as Kantar. Growth categories included household supplies and beverages – which rocketed by more than 300% year-over-year. Meanwhile, verticals like pets, cosmetics and beauty didn’t trend as highly (even as the report…

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