Google launches confidential matching for data privacy

Google today announced confidential matching, a new privacy-first solution that lets you securely connect your first-party data for audience targeting and campaign measurement, leveraging confidential computing technology. Confidential computing uses Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to protect data during processing, ensuring no one — not even Google — can access the information. Why we care. As…

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Google admits to paying Apple 36% of Safari revenue

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has confirmed that the company pays Apple 36% of its Safari search revenue. The search engine shares this revenue, which is reportedly worth $18 billion, in exchange for default status on all of Apple’s devices. Pichai made the admission while being cross-examined at the Epic Games antitrust trial, after a Google witness…

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Google’s attribution model shake-up: 3 solutions for advertisers

You’ve probably heard the news: Google Ads and Google Analytics 4 will completely retire first-click, linear, time decay, and position-based attribution models in September. Last-click and data-driven attribution models will remain available, along with external attribution. What some PPC marketers don’t realize is that Google won’t just discontinue these attribution models from a bidding standpoint….

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