Bing Image Search Refinement Cards

Microsoft now has these refinement cards or boxes directly in the Bing Image Search results interface. In these cards, Bing will show you a refinement option for your query with example photos you might find for that refined search query. I spotted this via Frank Sandtmann on Mastodon who wrote, “I don’t think I have…

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How to implement generative engine optimization (GEO) strategies

Generative AI is transforming how consumers discover and engage with content, making it essential for brands to rethink and adapt traditional SEO strategies. Leading this shift is generative engine optimization (GEO) – an evolution of SEO that leverages AI-driven insights to optimize content for visibility and authority across platforms like ChatGPT, Perplexity and Google’s AI…

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How to create link building OKRs for SEO (with examples)

Objectives and key results (OKRs) are great tools for shaping SEO initiatives to align with the company’s goals. This article explores how OKRs can influence your SEO efforts, highlighting the connection between overarching business objectives and SEO-centric targets.  Understanding OKRs in SEO One of my favorite books is “Measure What Matters” by John Doerr. It…

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6 tips to track and analyze PPC results

Whether you have just built your first search campaign or have already set up thousands, once you hit the “launch” button, you’re probably already thinking about how to effectively track and share the results of your efforts. There are dozens of metrics you can use to review PPC performance depending on your business objectives.  While…

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Google SGE Gains Links & Videos, Search Console Not Tracking SGE, Business Profiles AI, Deceptive Bing Ads & More

This week we covered a possible Google algorithm updater yesterday and today. We also covered how the new Google Search Generative Experience now can show both links to sources and videos in the answer snapshots. Google SGE also has these new “from Google” cards in the answers. Google Search Generative Experience does not always show…

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7 best practices and testing strategies

Offline conversion tracking (OCT) is one advertising tool that can help you get more from your PPC spend.  In brief, advertisers use offline conversion tracking when they integrate CRM data on customer lifetime value (LTV) / purchase history (ecommerce) or down-funnel lead activity (B2B) into Google, Meta and/or LinkedIn campaigns to get valuable insights or…

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